Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Alhamdulillah we are home :)

After 18 days, Z finally discharged yesterday. Bila nampak jer mama keluarkan jaket, terus dia excited because he knew he's going out. Sepanjang jalan senyum jer.. sampai rumah pun senyum jer.. tidur malam pun senyum, bangun pagi tadi pun masih tersenyum.. He is so happy to be home :D. 

Pertama kalinya dapat tidur dengan aman tanpa gangguan nurse/doctor :D

Sampai2 rumah semalam, terus dia pegi belek2 all his toys. Then papa keluarkan vacuum, selalunya he will follow around (merangkak) while we vacuuming the house. Semalam pun macam tu la. Cuma he is still very week. Merangkak 2-3 tapak, dah terlepek. Then dia masih cuba nak kejar, so dia meniarap pulak. Cuba sedaya upaya, tapi lepas few attempts, dia stop. X larat sangat, terus baring jer sambil tengok papa vacuum.. kesian mama tengok. At least he is motivated to move. Kalau dekat hospital, baring jer atas katil..

Anyway they discharged him with conditions. The infection still there. Bladder infection dah clear, tapi central line infection pulak (PICC line utk TPN). Sepatutnya another 7 days with different antibiotic. Tapi his temperature dah lower. Malam2 jer naik over 37. Siang dah normal. Dr McCann cakap kalau temperature naik 37.5-38 jer terus kena bawak ke hospital semula. Malam tadi dah naik 37.5 pun.. tapi kejap jer la, mama kasik calpol then basah2 kan kepala, he's fine then.

Selagi boleh handle, we wont be bringing him back to the hospital. Happy sangat tengok dia yang asik tersenyum jer sepanjang hari. ALHAMDULILLAH...