Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It Takes Two to Talk

Following Speech & Language Therapy assesment last month, mama dah mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti 9 weeks Hanen course. Kelas every Thursday night started from last Thursday.

First class ok lah.. Walaupun mama dah baca the Hanen books (x habis pun lagi.. ), its still far more useful to go to the class. Belajar dgn cikgu nih lagi berkesan.. Tak paham boleh jer tanya :)

Ada about 15 parents in the class. So far semua dtg bercouple. Since papa pun still on holiday, mama drag him to the class as well. Tapi from this week on, mama jadik single parent balik la.. huhuhu.. Actually mama lagi prefer kalau papa boleh join lagi, sebab at least kitorang boleh berdiskusi and attempt the practise on Z together. Tapi apa nak buat.. Papa keje jauh sgt.. Mmg tak sempat pun kalau dia nk balik for the course.. :(

Mama sangat berharap mama boleh start SLT nih as soon as possible. According to SMH, kalau nk tunggu diorang punya therapist, Z umur 2.5 thn baru boleh start. So, better mama start sikit2 with the Hanen Technique. Hopefully we are not too late..

Actually this course dah penuh pun.. tapi mama merayu jugak supaya mama boleh join. so they put me on waiting list.. last minit ade org yg cancelled so dapat lah mama join.. Alhamdulillah, dah rezeki kita namanya.. :)

so, now marilah kita buat homework yer Z ;)


  1. mama Z,
    nnt mama Z da pandai ajar mummy feeya the technique pulak yea.. ;)

  2. Hi.. saya blogwalking sahaja.. Jom tukar2 blog? see u k... Di mana therapy ni?

  3. Mummy Feeya: buleh2.. nanti mama Z share2 info yer.. ;)

    Julie: Hi! salam kenal :)

  4. bestnya.. thn lepas kiwanis nak buat prog ni tp cancel. Tahun ni x tau la jadi ke tak. Kalau jadi..pasti x kan ku lepaskan peluang ini.. :)

  5. yay! nanti mama z share tau. :)
