Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, June 29, 2012


OMG! Z knows the letter 'C'!!!

Mama perasan masa tengah tengok cd ABC tu, tv tengah show the letter C then Z pun pegi duduk n belek2 letter C kat foam mat!

Wow! Mama really impress! Mesti ada jer letter lain yg Z tahu, but he stop as soon as mama become overly excited -_-

Muah2!! Ok now you have to show mama another 25 letters k ;)C
Ketika kejadian

P/s: ni baru Z tunjuk letter C, bayangkan kalau Z dh boleh sebut 'C' nanti... Apatah lagi kalau Z dh mula membaca nanti.. Hmmm.. T_T

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  1. yeaayy!! clap..clap..Z da tau alphabet!!! clever boy!! =D mama kena slalu pasang cd ABC tu tau br Z ligat cari alphabet kat foam mat tu.. =D

    heheee..sama la mama Z ngn mummy awfeeya ni, over excited..tu yg dorg xnak tunjuk bakat terpendam tu..hehehe...

    1. hahah tu la pasal.. mesti Z n awfeeya ckp poyo jer mak2 diorang nih hehhe..
