Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Watery Eyes

Tadi ada appointment dgn dr emer burke (ophthal). Z mcm biasa lah, melalak2 bila sampai je kat SMH tu.. (tapi x de lah teruk sgt, masih boleh dipujuk..).

Anyway, bila jumpa jer dr emer, her first comment was " wow, he really has watery eyes!". Mama ckp la Z baru lps menangis jer, thats why lah merembes2..

Pada pendapat mama, mata Z dah improved sikit lah dari last time. But still berair2 jugak kadang2 tu..

Mata Z yang senantiasa 'jernih'. Will get worst kalau panas or berangin. Or if he watches too much tv/ipad..

Dr emer cadangkan utk buat drainage jer lah.. Terus dia ambik diary dia n tanya bila tarikh terdekat nk buat? Huh? Drpd pembacaan, mama tahulah procedure tu simple jer pun.. Tapi mama reluctant sikit sbb mama mcm tak prepared. I need to know more before putting Z under the 'knife'. Kalau papa ada maybe he'll know something, so mama ckp lah kami nk balik msia in 2 weeks time. Maybe later la kot will decide about it.. Plus he is getting better pun.. So, dr emer cakap wait for another 3 months n see how its goes then.. Fuuuhh! Seb baik -_-'

Lepas nih Z kena banyak makan carrot lah. Carrot mmg baik for eyes, and at the same time boleh bantu watery eyes jugak. InsyaAllah..

Kalau dah mcm gini melalaknya, bukan setakat watery, banjir dah pun..

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  1. aloloo..comey jer Z nangis.. =)

    dear, apa cause watery eyes ni yea?only happen to DS child or normal pun bleh ada? and macammana buat drainage tu? kena operate ke? sebab tgk awfeeya pun mata dia sometimes berair jugak..especially bila kuar jalan2 kat mall..igt normal, so xreferla pada specialist..

    1. hi dear..
      it could happen to anybody, tapi quiet common for DS sebab mata diorang kan bentuk almond shape gitu kan.. so their tear duct sempit sikit, sebab tu lah air mata merembes keluar..

      kalau tak treat, senang nak dapat infection. so in awfeeya case, kalau selalu sangat terjadi better you ask specialist la kot. kadang2 tu maybe sebab dry eyes jer.. normally will get better kalau selalu2 wash their eyes and urut2 bawah mata tu..

      Z's condition agak teruk actually, kadang2 tu meleleh air mata dia tanpa sebab..:( kalau keluar lagi lah teruk.. i asik kena lap air mata dia jer..
