Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Moments when my heart stop beating… (cont.)

Sunday, 7th Nov 2010
aIMG_0838 Day 1
Lepas suma urusan admission, kami pun dibawa ke bilik. Then around 7pm, doctor datang utk ambik darah n masukkan cannula utk drip. Masa nk ambik darah tu, doctor cakap yg both hand dia dh terlalu banyak kene cucuk.. urat2 suma dh herot2.. huhuhu..siannn anak mama.. melalak tu toksah ckp ler.. siap terjerit2 teresak2 lg.. lama plak tu process nk ambik darah tu, sbb doctor perlukan 2 tube.. mummy terpaksalah buat muka keringg jerr.. lepas jer doctor n nurses blah, mummy plak yg melalak2.. waaaaa… x sampai hati tgk.. sob..sob..
mlm tu jugak diorang start antibiotic n masuk air. then every hr mesti nurse akan dtg utk ambik temperature. nasib baik suhu dh turun to 38 degree.. tidonya pun dh tak mengerang sgt.. mummy pun dh boleh tido skit2.. tapi still kena pangku laa..
Monday, 8th Nov 2010
pagi tu dlm pukul 9.30am, dr sharifah dtg with the blood result.. Yes, it was confirmed that the bacteria has reached the brain!! his protein-CRP level is 169 (normal hanyalah 5). tapi alhamdulillah mineral2 lain still within normal range, mengikut kata doctor that shows that the infection still at early stage.. she will continue the treatment for 7 days.. better over treated, than under treated katanya.. and of course i agree to that..
again, lepas jer doctor n nurse keluar, i cried my heart out! why oh why my poor baby has to go through all this..
Petang tu doc dtg lagi. His diarrhoea becoming worst. stool mmg cair habis.. perut pulak mmg bloated. doc kata mmg activity dlm perut dia sgt active. since he is consuming Isomil (yg mmg slalunya digunakan utk treated baby yg cerry berry), doctor pun pelik apesal dia masih x baik2.. maybe the soya based gave impact to his tummy kot.. soya kan banyak angin… so she gave us susu Novalec (lactose free jugak, but from cow’s base).
Tuesday, 9th Nov 2010
aDSC04141 Day 3
His temperature dh turun to 37 degree.. Alhamdulillah, demam dh baik.. suam2 jer badan.. ada la ketika waktu yg temperature naik skit, tapi still ok nurse ckp..
Tapi his diarrhoea still x baik2.. tambah teruk ada la kot.. his stool dh kaler putih jer.. susu novalec tu mmg mcm pelek skit texture n smell dia. memula ok aje dia minum, tapi harini he refused to drink any. bila doc dtg petang nya, i complaint laa.. so, doctor pun allow him to take isomil balik.. dapat jer isomil, terus dia minum dgn rakusnya.. siaann anak mama kelaparan.. huhuhu
Wednesday, 10th Nov 2010
smlm his diarrhoea looks improving. dh start ada sikit2 solid dlm his stool tu.. so, masa doc dtg paginya, i told her the great news laa.. doc pun happy with the progress.. pastu tgh dok borak2 dgn doctor tu, tetiba jer dia berry2 lagi. doctor pun nk tgk ler.. skali bila bukak jer diapers tu, there is BLOOD!!!!
terkejut beruk ler kitorang.. banyak n fresh plak tu.. terus doctor suruh nurse ambik sample n request for another blood test. doctor kata dia takut pada 2 possibilities – 1st takut ada problem with his operation. terbukak ke apa ker.. and 2nd is rotavirus.
again, lepas doctor keluar, mamanya melalak2.. lepas satu, satu perkara terjadi to my poor baby.. mcm2 yg berlegar2 di kepala saya.. *sigh*. my baby pulak asik laa melalak sbb kelaparan.. tapi doc suruh puasa.. ya Allah, mmg both anak n emak melalak2 ler jawabnya… nasib baik bilik single, x perlu nk cover2 malu ke hape ke.. 
petang tu doc dtg lagi with the result. dia kata she couldnt find any problem with the blood. so, tatau kenapa tetiba jer berdarah. maybe sbb his usus got too much information kot.. dgn berbagai jenis ubat.. dgn tukar2 susu lagi.. dgn temperature yg tak menentu lagi.. dia ckp suruh monitor jer the blood. kalau worsen, baru she will do another test. that time, there’s still blood in his stool, tapi x sebanyak pagi tadi laa..
the good news is, his protein CRP level dh turun ke 36 (from 169)! thats a huge improvement!
owh, Z^ch pun dh boleh minum, but doc suruh start with 30ml jer dulu.. dia slalu minum 100ml, mana cukup.. waaaa… kesian betol tgk dia melalak2 tu.. dh la tak boleh dukung bawak jenjalan sbb ada drip tu kan.. adoiii.. kesiannn dia..
Thursday, 11th Nov 2010
This morning, blood dh tak der.. lega skit hati mummy.. diarrhoea pun dh semakin berkurangan.. tapi bum-bum dia melecet terukkk sangat.. merah n berbiji2.. setiap kali tukar diapers jer, mesti dia melalak2.. dh la diarrhoea, bnyk kali ler kena tukar.. sampai dh serak2 suara dia..
doc dh kasik minum 2oz per session.. so, ok la skit.. walopon he still merengek2 wants more every time he finished the milk. Ptg tu doc dh stop drip. yeay! akhirnya bebas.. barulah boleh bawak dia jalan2 sekitar bilik.. he looks better n cheerful.. alhamdulillah..
Friday, 12th Nov 2010
kalau ikutkan doc dah kasik balik harini.. tapi esok kena dtg lg la utk last antibiotic.. i pikir2, mcm susah jer nk ulang alik, so we choose to stay for another night.
Apart from diarrhoea n melecet2 tu,Z^ch pun dh semakin ok.. asik meniarappp jer kejenya.. yer la, dh brp hari tangan kena ikat, bila dh stop drip tu, mmg bergolek2 jer laaa :)
Saturday, 13th Nov 2010
Last antibiotic was given at 11am.. slalunya 1-2 hrs dh habis dh.. tapi sbb diorang dh berhentikan iv drip tu, the line dah blocked n drip tu mmg slow habis laa.. nurse mintak nk cucuk lg sekali utk masukkan line baru.. Nehiiii!! dh ler last treatment dh, ko nk tebuk lg skali tgn munggil anakku?? saya ckp saya sanggup tunggu..
tunggu punya tunggu, dh pukul 3pm. antibiotic baru habis separuh jer.. hadoiii.. camner nih?? last2 nurse call doctor sharifah. doc kata tak per la.. stop jer la.. x berbaloi pun nk cucuk line baru..
so there it was.. after 1 week at hospital, we were finally home.. another episode of our live.. there were times when i felt lost, give-up, angry and weak.. but i know things happen for reasons. and i thank to Allah for the strength n patient He gave me.. above all, I am thankful for the best gift i ever had in my life - Z^ch^ry Aiman… mummy love you so much sayang..


  1. tak sabar tunggu update dari awak, laili.

    alhamdulillah zach dah makin sihat. awak pon mesti lega kan? jangan sedih-sedih okeh. saya doakan zach akan sentiasa sihat. awak kuat tau. kalau awak kuat, zach pon kuat.

    take care. peluk cium untuk zach.

  2. Aishah: alhamdulillah.. mmg legaa sgt tgk dia active semula nih :)
    thanks yer awak..

    Nini: Thanks nini.. salam sayang utk aisy jugak..
