Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moments when my heart stop beating…

What will you do when your baby having seizure and its public holiday where all nearby clinics were closed and to make the matter worst, you cant reach any hospitals because its was flooded everywhere… ARGGHHHHH!!!!sick

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Jumaat, 5th Nov 2010 (Deepavali day)

Se awal pagi lagi kami dah keluar utk ke rumah my aunty.. saje lepak with my cousin yg baru jer deliver a new baby boy. Z^ch masih lagi ceria seperti biasa. tgh hari tu pun dia masih blom menunjukkan apa2 perubahan. then around 2pm cam tu, he asleep. pukul 4pm i woke him up for his milk. masa tu i dh rasa mcm suam2 jer badan dia.. tak sedap hati, terus ajak my mum balik..

sampai rumah, kemas2 barang suma, around 5.30 gitu i rasa badan dia macam dah panas sgt nih.. test his temperature, dah 37.8 degree. terus i amik cool fever and tepek kat dahi dia.. then 6pm i checked his temperature again, dah 38.5! OMG! terus gelabah.. dah demam panas nih. terus call my cousin, dia suruh lap2 dengan air..

bila his temperature reach 39++ hati mmg dh tak tenang dah..sambil lap2 badan dia, sambil2 call sana sini.. sebabkan deepavali, suma clinic berdekatan tutup.. hmm, besok jer la baru boleh g clinic nih.. nasib baik i still have paracetamol yg doctor kasik time dia kene jab dulu.. so, kasik dia minum ubat tu ler dulu

malam tu, his temperature tak turun2 mum ambik daun bunga raya putih utk buat air lap2.. still jugak tak berkesan. dia dh start menangis2 n mengerang2 x selesa.. memang i riba jer the whole time..

then around 10pm, lepas menyusu, i keep talking to him and he smile back, suddenly his eyes rolling!!!! badan pun dah mcm keras2.. terus i meraung.. MAAAAKKKKK kenapa dgn Z^ch nih? my mum tgk and cakap,ya Allah dia dah tarik nih! nasib baik my nieces / nephew ada yg  pernah jadik, so at least my mum knows what to do. sambil melalak2 tu, i open his shirt and lap2 seluruh badan dgn air yg banyak.. agak lama jugak it happen. dlm 3-5 mins gitu.. at last he started to cry… phew, legaa.. thats mean he is back..

my mom terus call my uncle pak ndak. i masa tu dh siap2 dah. what ever happen, i want to bring him to the hospital. then pak ndak n mak ndak dtg. diorang baca2 n hembus2 skit.. (diorang nih ustaz ustazah) he looks  a bit better, but his eyes still mcm juling2. pak ndak ckp most road to alor star ditutup sebab banjir mcm mana i nk g hospital.. tak pedulik, i have to try. maybe ada jalan yg dh dibukak..

so, at 11pm my uncle pun volunteer and drove us to alor star.our aim is to find any hospital yg available. sampai alor star, we tried few roads. suma tak boleh nak lalu. air terlalu tinggi sampai pinggang. both KMC and PMC mmg tak boleh nk pegi. HSB lagi la x boleh.. kami berpusing2 meredah air banjir tu sampai pukul 1 pagi.

ya Allah, dugaan apakah ini? i keep on crying.. at the same time, mak ndak yg hold Z^ch, sambil2 dia bacakan doa.. so, dalam keterpaksaan, we have to headed back home. malam tu kami tidur di rumah atok sbb risau if anything happen again.

it was a very long and painful night. his temperature dah naik to 40. lepas tu i mmg tak check dah sbb takut sgt tgk.. his eyes pun still juling2 and he demand to be hold all the time. mmg me n my mum x tido langsung that night. i keep on checking the clock. cepat laa pagi… i nk bawak dia pegi clinic berdekatan.. i mmg x leh pandang langsung muka dia..  especially his eyes.. mmg meleleh2 jer air mata.. last2 my mum yg dukung and keep on lap2 his body.


Saturday, 6th Nov 2010

Tepat jer 9am, i terus drove to the nearby clinic. rupa2nya clinic masih tutup sbb deepavali. hari jumaat mmg cuti di kedah. so diorang ambik sabtu as public holiday.. dlm keadaan ting tong sbb x tido smlm, i drove to pekan pendang. first few clinics we pass by mmg tutop. tapi nasib baik ler ada satu clinic (Klinik Dr Rahimah) ni bukak. tapi punya laaa ramai org.

jumpa doctor, she didnt express any worried or concern. cuma dia agree his temperature mmg tinggi sangat. dia kasik ubat demam, antibiotic n ubat cirit. thats it. ok fine, may be i jer yg gelabah lebih kot…

doctor Rahimah cakap mmh hospital suma tak boleh pegi. kalau pegi pun diorang akan suruh ke penang or sungai petani jer sbb bekalan electric suma terputus.. hmm.. then, from news air bertambah naik di kawasan alor star.. *sigh* kenapalah ini semua terjadi??

anyway, balik rumah petang tu mcm tak de apa2 perubahan pun.. his temperature still 39++ and even worst, he started having diarrhoea. so, again we were having a very long night.. but slightly better sbb at least dia dah boleh tido walaupun kejap2 aje..


Sunday, 7th Nov 2010

pagi2 tu, news kat radio ckp air dh surut skit and ada few roads yg dh dibuka.. so, i terus rang KMC. the reception ckp air depan hospital dh kering, tapi only 1 road jer yg boleh access. and specialist will only be in after 2.30. tu pun only 1 pead jer yg dpt dtg.lain2 suma masih terkandas.

so ptg tu, cousin i Fairuz yg drove us to KMC (dia tau alternative road). sampai sana, as expected mmg ramai btol kanak2 yg sakit. yer laa, dh brp hari hospital tutup.. harini berpusu2 ler org datang. our pead dr Lim mmg x der. yg ada dr Sh Khadijah jer.. we got our turn dlm pukul 5pm.

jumpa jer doctor, citer2 all history.. doctor terus concern. dia ckp its normal for babies utk kene demam n seizure nih, but not for under 6 month old! tambahan pulak with his history of premature, DA and DS mmg high risk for infection to reach his brain.. ya Allah, dengar jer mende tu, terus gigil2 jer rasanya.. so, she advise us to stay and she will start the antibiotic as soon as possible.

eh, tuan kecik saya dh bangun.. will continue later..

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