Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010

air mata kami berguguran lagi....

Last moment with papa.. we miss you papa!

Day 4

Seperti biasa, petang itu saya dan suami ke hospital utk melawat little one. It was also the last day for hubby to be with baby before he flew back to Ireland. He has make appointment with the doctor to get baby's latest progress.

Just when we are so excited to see our baby open his eyes for the first time, the doctor came by and bring our worst nightmare news.. They think our little fighter has Down's Syndrome and will have to do further test to confirm that.

Ya Allah, sungguh berat dugaan ini... menggigil2 seluruh badan saya dan suami. Eventhough we are aware of the risk him having DS (1/3 of baby with Duodenal Atresia will also have Down Syndrome), but as a parent we always stay positive and keep on praying that our little fella will turn out to be ok..

Di saat ini, saya sangat lemah.. hubby just reluctantly flew back to Ireland, leaving me all alone in this empty hotel room. sudah tak mampu lagi rasanya saya menangis.. Terlalu banyak air mata ini tumpah semenjak first trimester lagi.. now i feel so hopeless.. setiap nafas saya hanya teringatkan my baby.. dgn keadaannya yg masih belum stabil from the surgery.. will he be ok? What will happen next? what if..? Ya Allah... kuatkanlah semngatku ini..

But I know... I have to be strong for my baby. It will be a long journey ahead of us. InsyaAllah, saya yakin.. we can get through this and be as happy as any other family.

Ya Allah, kuatkanlah semangatku demi anak kesayangan kami.. It still not confirmed yet and i want to think positive.. until then, i will keep praying and hoping that everything will turn out to be ok..

Sayang mama.. Kejap lagi mama datang yer.. mama n papa will always love you no matter what the result of the test will be. We will try to provide the best for you and will make you happy. Just promise to be strong n get well soon yer sayang.. Mama dah tak sabar nak bawak sayang balik.. nanti kite boleh balik ke Ireland and be with papa yer.. mama love you soo much dear.. muahhss!!

Sunday, 15th August 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Alhamdulillah.. Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi..

i have safely delivered my baby boy via c-sect on Wednesday 11/08/2010 at 10.10am. My little fighter also has successfully undergone a 4 hr surgery on Thursday 12/08/2010 and currently in NICU.
Please pray for his speedy recovery.

more stories to follow..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

1st night warded

waaaa... sedey.. sob..sob..

hubby arrived from ireland (after 2 mnths apart) around 3 pm, and now at 9.30 pm saya sendirian di dalam ward n hubby kat luar ward.. sadisssss

mmg dah tahu harini bakal kena admitted, tapi ingatkan boleh ambik private room where hubby can tag along. skali rupanya wad bersalin kat HSB ni takde private/1st class. suma yg standard room jer..

so, dpt tau mcm tu, terus la mintak kat doctor2 kat labour room tu supaya dpt postpone admission.. memandangkan i pun bukan ler sakit/turun tanda apa2 lagi.. plus c-sect nyer date lambat pun lagi.. tapi doctor2 nih suma tak berani nk release sbb bos diorang dh suruh admit kan.. dr. bava n dr. haaliza both away plak tu.. nak tak nak kena la saya bermalam disini sensorang

paling menyedihkan, hubby have to stay at nearby hotel. sekarang nih dia still melilau2 kat luar ward nih sbb malas nk balik hotel lagi katanya... huhuhu... sgt sedihh.. x sempat pun nk berborak lama tadi..

miss him soo much.. besok dr. haliza dtg, nk mintak jugak2 supaya dia dpt release at least for 1 night pun jadik la.. huhuhu..

-Kenanga 2A-

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby’s (& Mommy’s) Stuff – Final Preparation

Last day sebelum kena serah diri ke hospital..

Baru lepas packing2 hospital bags for baby n mummy. Rasanya most of checklist items dh prepared. Cuma sedikit terkilan sbb barang2 shipping from Dublin blom sampai lagi.. As per shipping co. my box expected to arrive end of august (kapal delayed 2 weeks plak tu.. pfffttt!!!). My original due date was after raya, so ingatkan sempat ler masa shipping barang haritu.. since dh jadi mcm nih, ade jugak ler barang yg kene beli twice.. nasib baik ler mmg dh plan from the beginning nk beli most of items kat sini pun.. kalau tak, lagi ler haruu.. haih, dugaannn....

Some of items yg masih di tengah lautan..

Anyway, harini dh received cooler bag set from Mom’s Little One. Nanti senang nk transport EBM masa baby kat NICU.

i asked hubby to buy a manual tommee tippee pump mcm kat bawah ni utk dipakai sementara nk tunggu medela swing yg di shipping tuu.. tatau ler ok ker tak.. one more thing, i might need to buy that ‘special feeding bottle’ (Medela Haberman Feeder) for baby, tapi tu tunggu la tgk how his condition will be. Nak bf ni pun i still tak sure bila boleh start since for first few days tu baby mmg tak boleh minum pun.. pastu kene minum through tube plak.. hmmm... Semoga cita2 saya utk BF my baby terlaksana.. aminn..

Baju2 baby pun i tak beli banyak sangat.. beli yg size besar skit sbb dh banyak beli yg kecik2 from Dublin. So, sorry la baby yer kalau awak kena pakai baju gelobos skit sementara nk tunggu kotak shipping tu... huhuh..
Owh, baby’s equipment mcm stroller, rocker suma tu i blom beli.. nanti bila baby dh kuar hospital baru mummy belikan ok..

Baby punya hospital beg dh 100% ready. Tapi rasanya barang2 tu hanya cukup for first few days jer laa.. mummy kena bawak more pampers n bajus nanti.. eh, baby kat NICU pakai baju ker ar? Nape tgk slalu mcm pakai pampers aje.. hmm.. tgk ler camner nanti.

Mummy punya hospital beg tak ready lg.. since nk kena berkurung about 1 week kat spital tu, banyak jugak stuffs i have to bring. Last minuets items kena masukkan besok;
- Laptop + charger
- Phones + chargers
- Minyak selusuh
- Buku merah
- Beli few magazines

Ape lagi ek.. risau gak kalau tertinggal important items. Rumah agak jauh from hospital.. susah nk suruh org bawakkan plak nanti..

Ahhh.. 5 more days until i meet my baby.. And hubby will arrive tomorrow!
Penantianku akan berakhir.. Ya Allah.. permudahkan lah urusan kami... aminn..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

35 weeks update

exactly 1 week to goooo.. *dup dap dup dap*

smlm appointment dgn doctor kat KK. sakit hati jer sbnrnya.. sbb, masuk jer bilik doctor tu, bukan dia buat apa2 pun.. pegang perut pun tak.. stakat nk amik notes ape yg dr. bava tulis jer.. hampeh btol.. dekat 2 jam tau org tunggu! pffftt!!! kalau stakat nk amik nota, biar saya tuliskan pun tak per doctor oiii.. (nih doctor baru nih.. dr Jaya dh naik pangkat n di transfer ke klinik lain plak.. doctor baru ni mmg nampak sgt tak reti buat keje..)

anyway, sblm jumpa doctor tu, still buat check up mcm biasa dgn nurse2 kat situ.. seb baik mmg dh kenal dgn diorang, so tak de la kene tunggu lama for that.. berat mummy naik la dlm 600g.. pastu blood pressure still normal, baby's heart beat pun still normal.. cuma darah jer kurang skit.. pastu lab tech tu dh siap nk amik blood sample lagi n bebel2 pasal tak makan iron.. alaa pak cik.. saya nih mmg penyakit anemic. stakat hemoglobin reading 9.8 tu normal utk saya.. pastu dia ckp tak per tunggu ape kata doctor.. hahahha.. silap laa.. doctor tu tak check langsung pun.. so, slamat lah saye dr kene another blood test n makan vit iron tu.. (tak suke mkn iron sbb nanti constipated)

owh, perut saye sangat tegang n cekang! kalau nk bangun or berjalan tu, ya Allah.. mmg rasa mcm nk tersungkur ke depan jer.. pastu kat area belly button tu mmg rasa mcm nipis sgt.. pastu mcm pedih2 mcm luka gitu.. tapi x de plak luka.. mmg normal ker ar?

braxton hicks pun bertambah intense rasanya.. kadang2 sampai meleleh2 air mate.. tapi still dtg n pergi sesuka hati dia laa.. tiap kali bangun berdiri or berjalan, mesti perut mengeras. time sembahyang pun mmg terseksa.. tambah2 bila nk rukuk n sujud tuu.. time tu la tetiba jer perut menegang.. mmg nangis2.. (okeh, mummy mmg cembeng..). rasanya lg 2-3 hari dh kena start sembahyang duduk dah laa.. (kene blajar dulu nih.. tak penah buat lagi..)

my belly is soo huge! sekarang dh measured at 43 weeks. beratt sangatt..! ramai kengkawan suruh ambik gambar.. eh, sorry, nk tgk diri sendiri kat cermin pun rasa takut.. btw sbg perumpamaan, i do look like this.. tsk..tsk..

okeh, image googled,
(gilos ape nk letak gambar perut sendiri cam gini..)
but bukan nak exaggerate.. even stretch mark pun mcm lebih kurang jer.. waaaaa... dh berbotol bio oil saya pakai, mmg kalau dh mcm gini kebesaran perut, tak dpt ler nk nolong lagi.. sob..sob.. kalau kuar tu, suma org mesti pandang2 jer.. tension btol la.. pastu suma mesti nk beramah mesra n tanya2 itu ini.. malas la nk layan.. kalau yg tak kenal tu, ckp jer la twin..
seb baik ler badan tak naik.. my belly jenis membesar ke depan aje.. alhamdulillah, tepi2 tak naik.. hopefully nanti tak payah ler nk risau bab2 berat badan nih..

masalah tido, still mcm biasa.. pinggang teramat sakitt.. mmg slalu jugak tetiba jer mcm breathless gitu.. cuma smlm jer dpt tido lama skit.. mcm heaven sangat bila sedar2 jer dh pukul 5 pagi.. mmg tido yg cukup :)

baby movement.. ni yg agak payah ni.. ada hari2nya, baby mmg active. pukul 12 camtu dh cukup bilangan kicks. tapi ade harinya, sampai kol 6-7 ptg pun tak cukup2.. risau btol.. baby ni pantang skit kalau org pegang kepala dia.. so, kalau dh agak dia tak gerak tu, mummy kacau2 skit bahagian kepala dia tu, then mesti dia respond back.. hehehe.. mesti marah sbb kacau dia tido.. sorry ler sayang.. mummy just want to make sure that u r ok..

apa2 pun, its 1 more week to go. saya perlu kuat.. hopefully semuanya selamat sampai harinya nanti.. lg 3 days dh kene admit kat spital, atleast kalau dh masuk hospital tu, tak de la saya risau sgt.

Ya Allah... permudahkanlah perjalananku ini.. amin...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Scan 3d/4d: Edisi Video la pulakk..

ni sebenarnya video last 2 weeks. masa tu dr. Bava terlebih rajin n save kan video for me.. kononnya dia nk transfer ke cd, skali cd x de.. so, he asked me to bring my own thumb drive jer laa this time..

ade few videos n angle yg dia ambik, but i just try to upload these 2 dah ler..

video nih nampak jelas skit muka baby.. uish, sungguh active! pastu siap jelir2 lidah kat mummy yer.. hehehe.. cute.. tapi apesal this time nampak hidung baby cam daddy plak yer? gambar scan haritu, suma org ckp hidung baby ikut mummy.. hehehe.. tak per la, hidung mcm daddy pun hencem jugakkk..

This one for the first time dapat tgk baby's hair..
aiyooo soo curly! ni mesti ikut auntie2 on both side nih hehehe.. mummy n daddy rambut lurus abis.. but mmg other siblings have curly hair..
1 more thing, at 0.08 hrs, baby bukak skit matanya.. hehehe...gerammmnyaaaa tengok.. mummy soo tak sabar nk hold you in my arm.. muahss!!

aahh.. sesungguhnya video2 n photo2 baby nih does gave me strength to go through these last few days.. 9 more days to go...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

3rd appointment with Dr Bava - HSB

today i met with dr. bava lagi.. just normal check up. Dr. haliza (training specialist) pun ade..

so, we just confirmed the date as before;
08/08/10 - Admission (harap2 i could stay in private single room rather than normal ward so hubby can tag along)
09/08/10 - Appointment with Mr. Mohan - Paed Surgeon (the only specialist in northern region) with hubby n Dr. Haliza (dr. bava wont be around on the 9th n 10th)
12/08/10 - booked for C-section huhuhu.. (will meet my baby!! yeay!!)

Dr. Bava tanya lagi if im interested to do the amniotic reduction procedure tu since keaadaan saye yg bertambah sarat nih.. again, rasanya i could wait for 1 more week.. i dont want to risk the baby.. demi baby, InsyaAllah i will try to be strong.. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah perjalananku ini.. aminnn..

then mcm biasa, they perform the full scan on the baby. baby growth is normal. baby dh weighted 2.7kg. uish, boleh tahan jugak utk premie ni.. kalau nk tunggu full term, mmg bengkok ler mummy sbb bulan2 terakhir slalu mmg berat baby akan naik mendadak..hehehhe

btw the double bubble sign is still there.. they think its a definite duodenal atresia based on the shape/location of the bubble. tapi dr. heliza kata nampak mcm ade connection jugak between the 2 bubbles, so there is still hope that its not the complete obstruction InsyaAllah..

oh, this time i bring my thumb drive so dapat ler copied some 4d scan videos from Dr Bava computer.. will try to upload it soon..