Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

7 months

Happy 7th months old sayanmm! :)

He still due his 6th months jab. Tak pe la, since his 4th months jab pun dh lambat, i dont think we need to rush.

Entering to his 7th months nih, ade 'peel' baru ler pulak.. Kaki nangisss!! Haiyoooo..awat la sayanggg oiiii.. Mmg clingy habis. Kene dukunggg ajerr especially when nk tido.

Kadang2 tu dekat sejam dia melalak, pastu tido tak sampai pun seploh minit.. Then bangun sengih2 as if nothing happen. Dah tidonya sekejap, nanti dlm sejam dua mesti dh ngantuk balik pulak.. Then melalak2 ler lagi and it happen like zillions time a day.. Haih laa anakanda mama nih.. Kan mama dh membebel nih.

Anyhoo, kalau pandai handle tak de lah teruk sgt sbnrnya.. Kalau i kat rumah and melayan jer dia, normally ok jer.. Cuma problem bila i hv to go out. Cik nanny tu tak reti sgt nk main2 dgn si Z nih.. Asikk dukunggg jerr.. Mau ke tak mengamuk buah hati mama tuu.. Once tuan kecik dh mengamuk, mmg moody jer laa dia sepanjang hari.. Dh berkali2 dh tegur si nanny tu, tak jugak masuk dek akalnyaa.. Hmm..apa nk buat, mama still hv to go out n work la sayang..

Oh, on his 7th months birthday, i bring him to my office. Saje nk kenal2kan dgn my colleagues. Asik bising2 jer suruh bwk.. Nasib baik ler he is acting really well on that day walopon di kerumuni oleh berpuluh2 org heheh..

On another note, i dh confirm dgn bos. Im due to be back to work on the 20th april.. Arghhhhh!!! Sgt tensi! Cepatnyaa masa berlalu. Still x puas lg nk mengulit anak sendiri nih huhuhu.. Zach n deirdre
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